How Chiropractic Care Positively Impacts Mental Health
Mental health is a complicated and overwhelming field of study, from the countless anxiety and stress disorders to bouts of occasional worry and depression. Millions suffer from undiagnosed and diagnosed health conditions related to stress and depression.
While most traditional practices will favor prescription medications to treat these conditions, holistic therapies, like chiropractic care, can benefit chronic or occasional sufferers. Natural alternatives to drugs and other intrusive treatments are often preferable to the potentially addictive qualities of medications.
So if you’ve been struggling with mental health – related issues, and interested in taking on a holistic approach, we suggest trying chiropractic care. Not quite sure how chiropractic care can assist? No problem. Our team of holistic professionals put together this overview of its many benefits when it comes to mental health… and more!
Chiropractic Care and the Whole Body
People often assume that chiropractic care is only focused on the spine, but truthfully, doctors of chiropractic focus on the whole body, especially as it relates to the nervous system. Using spinal adjustments, the chiropractor will treat any subluxations, or misaligned vertebrae, to realign the spinal column and relieve existing nerve pain and pressure.
While it might seem that a focus on spinal realignment is only suitable for relieving back pain, the spine plays a critical role in the body’s nervous and message delivery systems. When your spine is not correctly aligned or when nerves are pinched, you can run into a litany of physiological and psychological problems.
Spinal Adjustments and Mental Relief
Stress is related to raised cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol is the stress hormone produced in the brain to ignite the fight or flight response, which can also lead to anxiety. Back pain and spinal misalignment can lead to the overproduction of cortisol, contributing to heightened stress and anxiety levels.
When a chiropractor performs spinal adjustments, there is often an immediate sense of relief. Sometimes, the relief of chronic pressure and pain can result in the production of endorphins, a natural pain reliever, which can produce calming feelings, relieving any existing tension or anxiety.
Beyond the Spine
While a chiropractor can perform many adjustments in the office focused on the spine, they might also recommend at-home treatment options for people with anxiety or other mental health conditions. These suggestions might include:
- Light stretching
- Breathing exercises
- Dietary changes
Chiropractic therapy goes beyond spinal treatments. A doctor of chiropractic medicine is concerned with the whole body experience. While some mental health conditions undeniably require prescription treatment, it can be beneficial to try a more holistic approach first.
Your Health Is Our Priority
No matter what issues you are encountering, from stress to anxiety, or spinal to musculoskeletal pain, and want to try a holistic approach – you can trust in Holistic Vitality Center. We strive to balance our patients energetically, biochemically and physically allowing them to live a healthier life all around.
Initial appointments are typically about patient history, diagnosing the underlying problems and creating an effective treatment plan customized for you. Contact our team online, or call us directly at (919) 848-3333 today!