Minimize Asthma and Allergies with Chiropractic Care
With over one in twelve Americans suffering from asthma along with millions more facing a range of reoccurring allergies, finding ways to improve to eliminate discomfort is a priority shared by many in our community.
It may not stand out as the most obvious answer, but chiropractic care can be the solution to many common breathing difficulties.
Patients of all backgrounds and ages have embraced chiropractic care. Here’s what a few sessions could do to minimize your pain and discomfort caused by asthma and allergies:
Chiropractic Care For Adults with Asthma and Allergies
Asthma is a widespread chronic condition while allergies may be triggered by a range of culprits commonly found at home and work. As such, there is no one-size-fits-all solution available for these problems. Chiropractic care can be particularly useful for those that have failed to see progress with other treatments.
Chiropractic care is a non-invasive option, which is one of the main incentives for choosing this route. Chiropractic care can benefit adults with asthma and breathing-related issues for many reasons:
● Improve overall health to reduce stress-related triggers
● Realign the spine to stop placing pressure on the lungs and organs
● Eliminate nerve obstructions
● Fix musculoskeletal issues, allowing the cavity to expand normally
● Gain further tips and techniques to manage the problem
In some cases, reversing damage through the non-invasive chiropractic care can all but eliminate the symptoms of asthma and allergies, essentially making them non-existent.
Even if you can’t completely eradicate the problems, many symptoms can be significantly reduced, making chiropractic care one of the best and most affordable forms of condition management available. Best of all, it can be used by adults of all ages.
Chiropractic Care For Children with Asthma and Allergies
Pediatric chiropractic care can be beneficial for many children with musculoskeletal problems or development issues. However, it can also have a positive impact on children who have asthma and allergies.
Low force adjustments using Activator Instruments, along with special child-friendly treatments can be used to help youngsters by promoting better spinal health, alignment, and general well-being. Possible benefits can include;
● Removing the need for daily medications.
● Reducing the likelihood of stress-related triggers.
● Shortening the duration of chronic colds and fallouts from attacks.
● Balancing the immune system.
● Restoring normality to the child’s routine.
When treated at an early stage, it may be possible to eliminate the presence of those allergies over time. While annual checkups may still be required, it’s a huge advantage for any child that has suffered from asthma and similar conditions.
Non-invasive pediatric care is the preferred route to take, and chiropractic care for children is one of the best options available.
Book a Chiropractic Session Today
Are you currently suffering from asthma or allergies? If so, we invite you to come to Holistic Vitality Center and meet with one of our healthcare specialists today. You can easily schedule an appointment online, give us a call at (919) 848-3333 or come and visit our North Raleigh location.
From your first appointment until the completion of your treatment, we focus on your care and comfort during each visit. With help from our skilled specialists, your asthma and allergies could soon be a thing of the past.