What is a Holistic Chiropractor?

The physical manifestation of pain often is due to underlying issues. For many, prescription medication simply doesn’t cut it. Some people prefer not to take medication at all. Luckily, there may be a solution to be found in seeking the help of a holistic chiropractor.

Every chiropractor receives a bachelor’s degree in an undergraduate program and then attends five years of chiropractic school to earn their Doctorate in Chiropractic care. However, a holistic chiropractor spends even more time in school. They spend 10,000 hours or more studying a range of other areas that relate to how the body functions, including nutrition, histology, anatomy, pathology, and much more. They also spend three semesters as an intern. 

How Is a Holistic Chiropractor Different?

All chiropractors treat subluxation, which occurs when the spine has minor misalignments that irritate nerves and lead to pain. Traditional chiropractors treat these nerve issues to relieve pain, but many times, the relief is only temporary. Unlike traditional chiropractors, holistic chiropractors focus on the reasons why subluxation occurs in the first place. They aim to get to the root of the problem. Typically, subluxation occurs due to stress. 

What Are the Types of Stress a Holistic Chiropractor Helps With?

Traditional chiropractors typically only know how to look for and assess the physical signs of stress, such as the toll it takes on the body when people walk, run, sit for long periods of time, don’t sleep well, or simply go about their daily lives. Holistic chiropractors understand that there are several other types of stress, all of which can present themselves as physical symptoms.

  • Chemical Stress – The world is full of toxins. In fact, people subject themselves to more than 80,000 different chemicals during the course of one week, and less than 20,000 of them must adhere to FDA regulations. Long-term exposure to chemicals in the water people drink, the food they eat, and even the air they breathe can cause the body to tense up and exhibit physical stress symptoms.
  • Emotional Stress – Life is hard. Sometimes it’s even harder than usual. When your emotions are dealing with trying times, such as the loss of a loved one or a breakup, emotional stress can cause you to eat poorly, sleep poorly, and tense up involuntarily.
  • Mental Stress – Everyday life is stressful even when it’s good overall. Work deadlines, big projects, or other mentally taxing situations also lead to pain in the joints, muscles, and tendons.
  • Thermal Stress – Some people deal with more pain when the weather changes constantly. This is especially true during the fall and spring months when it can be quite chilly one day and very warm the next. The extreme temperature differences can cause the body to tense or the joints to ache.

While it is impossible to avoid all toxins or to never have emotional, mental, or thermal stress, it is possible to become more aware of the problem. A holistic chiropractor not only treats the physically exhibited symptoms but helps you to learn why the symptoms may be flaring up and what you may be able to do to ease the tension in your body. 

Is chemical, emotional, mental, or thermal stress manifesting as physical pain that leaves you feeling unable to face the day?  Holistic Vitality Center provides a safe, comfortable and compassionate environment for healing. 

To learn more about how Holistic Chiropractic Care can improve your overall wellness or to make an appointment, contact us online or call (919) 848-3333 today!

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