What To Expect With Acupuncture

Acupuncture may be an ancient natural practice, but many people who could benefit from it still haven’t tried it. Why is that? Well, patients often tell me they wish they had tried Acupuncture sooner, but they simply didn’t know enough about it to feel comfortable scheduling that first appointment.

While it may seem mysterious if you’ve never tried it, we’d like to set your mind at ease by providing more information about Acupuncture, what you can expect when you make your first appointment and the benefits of this ancient form of medicine.

Understanding More About Acupuncture

What is it?

Acupuncture is a natural health science method that uses thin, flexible needles. There are multiple styles and many techniques, making Acupuncture a very personalized treatment that will serve your individual needs.

How does it work?

Super fine needles are placed in the skin along energy pathways in the body, called meridians. The needles are expertly manipulated to correct imbalances in energy flow that can lead to pain and illness. Additionally, your treatment may also include Acupressure, Electro-Acupuncture and Low-Intensity Lasers.

Common Questions

What should I wear?

Plan to dress comfortably in loose-fitting clothing. If access is required underneath your clothes, you will be draped for privacy.

How long does it take?

Acupuncture sessions typically are 15 – 30 minutes long. It will take place in a private suite, free from distraction or intrusion. 

Will it hurt?

Acupuncture patients typically feel no pain or discomfort. This is due to the use of high quality equipment and the skill of well-trained medical professionals.

What To Expect At Your First Appointment

Each patient’s experience is individualized, but this information will help you prepare:

  • You’ll be asked personal questions about your health, including bowel movements, urination habits, menstrual cycles and more. This helps your doctor properly diagnose and treat you.
  • We may look at your tongue or press on your abdomen, and we will likely take your pulse. These are all indicators of the health of your internal organs.
  • Acupuncturists never reuse Acupuncture needles, so you can expect a safe, sanitary treatment experience.

Depending on your diagnosis, needles may not be the only treatment you receive. Other therapies, like Acupressure, Massage, Cupping, Heating of the Skin and Chinese Herbs may be recommended.

Benefits of Acupuncture

Every day, we see first-hand the positive results of Acupuncture, and that’s because it offers multiple benefits across a wide array of health concerns:

  •   Energy balance in the body
  •   Reduced or alleviates pain and discomfort
  •   Treatment of depression
  •   Stress relief
  •   Better circulation
  •   Activated immune system to ward off illness

If other medical treatments have failed you, please know that you do not need to resign yourself to living a life of pain or discomfort. It’s natural to feel a bit anxious about the unknown, but Acupuncture may be the answer you’ve been looking for. I encourage you to visit us at holisticvitalitycenter.com to learn more about our natural healthcare services, or call (919) 848-3333 to schedule an appointment with us today. 

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